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401(k) allocation advice
Fees & add-ons


401(k) allocation advice is set at a fixed fee, billed quarterly, with discounts for smaller account sizes. 




Annual fees will be billed once/quarter (1/4 of annual rate at each billing cycle) at the beginning of the quarter for services due in advance. 


Clients also have the ability to contract the Adviser and administration for additional support: Add-Ons are available to all tier levels listed above.







Contact us now to learn about properly managing your 401(k) along with our "Small Account" discounts and additional administrative support to help ensure proper implementation!

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Tier 5

Level 1
Interface and Administrative Support

Level 2
Financial Planning Support

This additional level of administrative support contracts Advisor to support Client in implementing 401(k) allocation updates up to once per quarter, including a videoconference/screen share to support in navigating 401(k) portal and correctly allocate funds according to recommendations. 

Add-on Annual Fee 
+ $120

Along with the support described in “Interface & Administrative Support,” this additional level of financial planning support entitles Client to up to 1 hour meeting (face-to-face, videoconference, or phone meeting) with a CFP® Professional to discuss pertinent financial planning topics. 

Add-on Annual Fee 
+ $360

Account Size

Annual Fee 

Account Size
$500,000 to $999,999

Annual Fee 

Account Size
$250,000 to $499,999

Annual Fee

Account Size
$50,000 to $249,999

Annual Fee

Account Size
$0 to $49,999

Annual Fee

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